The Whittlesea City Basketball Association uses the following stadiums for games.


EGCPS – Edgars Creek Primary School

45 Macedon Parade, Wollert


EGCSC – Edgars Creek Secondary College  

Macedon Parade, Wollert                                                                   

(1st Car Park on Macedon Pde, Stadium behind the portables)


HHPS – Harvest Home Primary School 

365 Harvest Home Rd, Epping


MCC – Marymede Catholic College 

60 Williamsons Road, South Morang


MERCC – Mernda Central Secondary College 

70 Breadalbane Avenue, Mernda


MPBS – Mill Park Basketball Stadium

Redleap Ave,Mill Park 


MPPS – Mernda Park Primary School 

40 Riverdale Boulevard, Mernda


WOLSC – Wollert Secondary College

222 Highpark Dr, Wollert


LALSC -Lalor Secondary College

Cnr Dalton Road & David Street, Lalor